Come by and visit us!
Our address is:
Mediencampus der Hochschule Darmstadt
Max-Planck-Str. 2
64807 Dieburg
Please consider spending some leisure time in Dieburg too, as the region is really lovely.
Via public transportation:
From Darmstadt: Bus 671 in Direction Groß Umstadt Pfälzer Schloss, Stop: Hochschule Nord and Hochschule Süd
Train to Aschaffenburg Hbf, alight in Dieburg Bahnhof, ca. 12 min. walk to the Mediacampus.
From Frankfurt: Direct train to Dieburg Bahnhof or to Darmstadt Hbf, change here to train to Aschaffenburg Hbf, alight in Dieburg Bahnhof.
Helpful Websites (also available as Apps):