Master's theses
Summer Semester 2023
Ahmad Muhammad
• Media Aesthetics of Change: Selected Aspects by the Example of a Fulldome Film Production Students Struggles and Adaptions Overcoming Social, Cultural and Regional Differences
Sheihk Shaheryar Ahmad
• Conceptualizing, Curating and Organizing a Virtual Music Event Audience Interaction, Engagement and Development in a Video Conference Environment
Marwan Al-Quaran
• Media Aesthetic Education and its Nexus to Digital Media and Intercultural Literacy
Mohamed Hesham Amer
• E-Wasser Catwalk: Creating the Concept, the Design and the Technological Implementation for a Sustainable Digital Fashion Performance.
Ikponmwosa Osamuyime Avan-Nomayo
• Environmental Sound Composition, Conscious Listening, and Ecological Awareness: Developing a Technologically Enhanced Soundwalk for a Small Town
Pereere Ayaruja
• Arts in Healthcare: Exploring the Use of Media Art and Emerging Technologies to Enhance the Therapy Experience of Autistic Children in Nigeria
Mohamed Arbi Bouchoucha
• Women in the Arab World Between Reality, Stereotypes and Media Representation: A Documentary Web-Series Addressing Issues Facing Women in the Arab World
Sara Bouslama
• The Beauty of Biodiversity: Exploring and Integrating Landscape and Biological Diversity. Developing and Implementing an Interactive Online Learning Platform for Ecology Education and Aesthetic Awareness
Gabriela Cristina Carvalho Bueno
• Expanding Culture, Emancipation, and Diversity: A Podcast Series not only for Women, Discussing Beauty Standards and Gender roles in Society
Kosar Haj Farajollah Dabbagh
• Noetic Narrative: Exploring the Intersection of Spaces, Consciousness, Culture, and Art through the Creation and Analysis of a 3D-Audio Fulldome Film
Carolina Isabel Hantke Contreras
• Media Aesthetic Education in Latin America and the Restricted Availability of Media Technology: Framing and Practically Developing an Approach to Media Aesthetic Education as an Empowerment Tool in Vulnerable Societies
Sohaib Iqbal
• Fostering Interculturality through Media Art: Media Aesthetic Education Workshops to Promote Diversity in a Young Community
Rania Khaled
• Aswat El Kahera: Conservin the Soundscape of a Fading Old City
Arita Khandeparkar
• The Cultural Impact of Digitalization in Indian Rural Communities: Empowering the Marginalized, a Documentary
Alena Kiarnia
• E-Wasser Catwalk: Creating the Concept, the Design and the Technological Implementation for a Sustainable Digital Fashion Performance.
Urwa Mahmood Butt
• Let us listen: Implementing and Analyzing a Workshop for Children Around the World which Adresses Selected Aspects of Soundscapes and Ecology
Linda Sarai Martinez Ramirez
• The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Artistic Process: A Study of AI as a Tool, Collaborator, and Muse
Douglas José Melara Avila
• Creative Resistances: Media Art and Artivism in El Salvador in the Fight for Democracy
Alyssa Maria Millitzer
• Ästhetische Erfahrungen im digitalen Raum: Strategien der medienästhetischen Bildung zur bewussten Nutzung von Social Media
Aarat Haridas Pandya
• Workplace Soundscape and its Acoustic Ecology: Understandind, Analyzing and Discoussing Sounds which Dominate our Professional Lives and Minds
Sila Panus
• 3D Soundscapes and Cultural Belonging: An Analysis of the Role of 3D Audio in Constructing Immersive and Emotional Experiances of Cultural Heritage for Diaspora Communities
Joseph Rouhana
• Dreaming With Al: „All About Eva“: A Case Study on the Ethical Implications and Changing Notions of Consciousness in the Digital Age
Katy Illy Santos de Freitas
• Forró: Building Communities through Dance – Creating an Internet Portal for Developing an European Audience for a Traditional Brazillian Dance
Mehrasa Shahsavari
• Artivism, Media Art and Creative Resistances: Parallels between Iran and EI Salvador in the Fight for Democracy
Winter Semester 2022/2023
Jessica Anagu
• Marketingkonzept und Audience Development für die Kulturinstitution Filmforum Höchst: Entwicklung einer Strategie zur Förderung von Bekanntheitsgrad, Besucher-Engagement und kulturdiversen Besuchern
Sudharsan Chakravarthy Ashokan
• Creating and Curating an Online Exhibition: Cultivating a Digital Environment for Engaging Media Artists and their Audiences
Sara Nathaly Blanco Cardenas
• Media Aesthetic Education: Discussing its Potential for Liberation from Current Social Systems of Power
Esmeray Coskunkal and Lauritz Kramberger-Kaplan
• The Hidden Costs: How can Experiential Media Art Help a Privileged Audience Empathize with the Situation of Low-Paid Workers?
Mert Dagcioglu
• Documenting LGBTQIA + Pride Parades: Analysing the Representations of Pride Parades in Media and their Impact on Public Perception of Queer People
Carolin Dietrich
• Closing the gap: text implementation and transcreation through augmented reality technology to foster transcultural understanding of South Korean moving image productions
Reiston Dsouza
• Changing Auditory Perspectives: Selected Aspects for Media Specific Productions and the Changing Role of the Listener
Daniela Echiverri
• Instagram as a Platform for Women’s Cultural Empowerment. Conceptualizing, Designing, Implementing and Analyzing a Project Representing the Transformation of Women’s Roles Throughout Different Generations
Elizaveta Egorova
• Spaces In-Between: Conceptualizing, Composing and Implementing a 3D Audio Piece for a Fulldome Video about Migration Using Real-World Sound Recordings
Mariia Eliseeva
• Meanwhile in Berlin – Developing a Web Series about Female Internationals in the German Fashion Industry
Memona Ghayas
• The Diversity of Perception: Creating a Media Art Piece to Examine Intersection in Different Ways of Thinking
Nancy Lorena Gonzalez Barrera
• Opportunities and Challenges of NFT Art Outside the Screen. An Exploration of On-Site Exhibitions and Performance Art on the Blockchain
Diana Heinbach
• Rassismuskritik als gesellschaftliche Verantwortung verstehen: Medienkünstlerische Ansätze zur Etablierung eines kultivierten und kritischen Umgangs im und mit dem digitalen Raum
Miko Jeffries
• Reclaiming Language: Using Collaborative Net Art to Address Euphemisms
Farooq Khan
• Digital Saqafat: Inclusion and Self-Empowerment of Digitally Deprived Artists through Media Aesthetic Education in Pakistan
Ariadna Khassanova
• Audience Development Strategies for Cultural Institutions: Analyzing Chances and Limitations through Collaboration with Social Media Influencers
Gisele Chi Ying Lee
• Creating a 3D-audio piece: Icons and Identity of Hong Kong after the 2019 Protest from Oversea and Non-Oversea Hongkongers
Sooryun Lee
• Women in Net Art – An exploration of internet art and its influence on feminism in theory and practice
Mehdi Rahimi
• Digital Engagement and Communication between Artists and Audiences: creating a website for Audience Development
James Ayomide Abolaji Rufai
• Addressing the Challenges of Media Art’s Sustainability and its Implementation by an Exhibition: Nigerian Media Art Practitioners as a Case Study
Daria Shestopalova
• Fulldome Film: Creating a 360 Degree Experience
Ada Parvez Siddique
• The Evolution of „Memes“: Its Influence on Social Media Platforms, Discussed and Analyzed in a 360° Film
Pierre Anderson Soulouque
• 360° Empowerment: Analysis, Conceptualization, and Strategies to advance Fulldome Films in local Communities
Khairunisa Besty Tanjungsari
• Child’s Mind Creativity: Media Aesthetic Education as a Creativity Booster in a Corporate Company
Thanh Tung Truong
• Echoes of Controversy. Conceptualizing, Implementing and Analyzing Social Media’s Dynamics of Displaying and Moderating Polarization
Isabel Velasquez Cordoba
• Feminist’s Activism in Digital Media: A Documentary to present the Existence of Sexism in Media Art
Jagad Aji Wijoyo
• Media aesthetic education: a cultural strategy for social media influencers to foster participation and contribution of young Germans in achieving sustainable development goals
Summer Semester 2022
Mariam Akirtava
• Social Media as a Tool to Promote Media Cultural Events: Developing an Audience for Media Culture by Social Media
Lejla Becirovic
• Schloss Fechenbach Filmfest – Conceptualizing and Establishing a Children’s and Youth Digital Audiovisual Media Festival in a Small Town
Sofia Crespo Ayala
• Society as a Spider Web. Creatively Stating the Importance of Interconnectivity in Small Collectives, Inspired by Tomas Saraceno’s Artwork „In Orbit“
Vishwesh Divyanshu Dave
• Creating an Audiovisual Media Art Production Based on the Phenomenon of ASMR
Carla Graumann
• Veganismus und Medienästhetik: Ein Fulldome-Film zur Neukultivierung von Essgewohnheiten
Sanowar Jahan
• Sex Education: A Need for Cultural Change in Pakistan
Samira Jakobi
• Film und Demenz – Ausgewählte Aspekte zur Inklusion Demenzkranker in die Filmrezeptionskultur durch die Konzeption eines Rahmenprogramms für ein deutsches Filmfestival
Katarina Karic
• Practicing Digital Narration through Aesthetic Education: Strategies for Encouraging Education, Diversity and Integration
Bianca Kirklewski Herculano Baptista
• The Aesthetic Experience of Media Art in Childhood: Media Aesthetic Education Strategies for Meaningfully Engaging Projects with Young Audience
Pierre Anderson Soulouque
• Reshaping a Company’s Narrative: A Case of Study of Fulldome Film as an Outreach Tool for Re-cultivation within a Distributed Working Environment Like SAP
Seyedeh Peyvand Taheri Behbahani
• DIV Platforms, Creating a Website for Facilitating Up-cycling as an Artistic Idea to a General Everyday Life Movement and Vice Versa
Olga Maria Magdalena Talledo Alvarado
• Audience Development for Callao Monumental: Strategies to reach marginalized Populations and introduce Art as Means of Creativity, Self Expression and contribute to make their Realities visible
Annika Thieme
• Local ldentity: Cultural Participation as a Catalyst for Social Involvement
Alexandra Toprak
• Audience Development for Museums: Selected online Strategies for building and cultivating a Museum’s Community
Winter Semester 2021/2022
Georgious Amprino
• Souls of Revolution. Repräsentationen von Afroamerikaner*innen in Musik und Film
Ein experimentelles Hörspiel in 3D-Audio
Esther Nkemakonam Anyaorah
• New Media and Igbo Folklore: Remodeling Igbo Culture Amongst Youths in Nigeria
Susanna Edelweis
• Indonesia’s GenZ: Selected Cultural Strategies Against Young People’s Uncritical Use of Social Media
Diana Teresa Hernandez Rueda
• Fostering Design Collaboration on a Digital Platform: Conceptualization, Implementation, and Audience Engagement by the Example of Graduates.Design – Nordic Young Designers Network
Guzel Kharunova
• The Impact of Short Videos in Breaking Down Cultural Stereotypes: Curating a Channel on TikTok/Instagram
Anita Lavorano
• Storytelling in „Árbol de la vida y la abundancia“ by Abel Rodriguez: Mediating Knowledge through Film and Painting in the Exhibition „The Intelligence of Plants“ at Frankfurter Kunstverein
Natalia Mejia Caicedo
• Political Art Beyond the Museum: Curating and Creating an Online Platform for Political Media Art and Activism in Latin America.
Minh Zhu Le
• Media Art and Ecological Awareness: Selected Media Aesthetic Education Strategies for Children and Teenager’s
Chinyere Okeke
• New Media Culture and Art Performance in Nigeria: Reshaping Media Production Presentation and Audience Development Research
Jana Stäbener
• Pop-Up-Store Rutesheim – Ein Zentrum für Kunst und Kultur: Entwicklung eines Kulturprojekts und einer „Cultural Audience“ im ländlichen Raum
Summer Semester 2021
Meshal Ahsraf Cheema
• The Impact of Instagram on Feminist Movements in Pakistan
Md Shifur Rahman Chowdhury and Md Alamgir Hossain
• Media Art and Culture in the Pandemic Period: Organizing an International Media Art Exhibition Online
Brenda Gonzales Jimenez
• Fostering Interculturality and Inclusion in Young Audiences: Applying selected Principles of Media Aesthetic Education to Film Education
Louisa Hügel
• Kunstmessen neu gedacht: Ausgewählte Aspekte zu künftigen Digitalisierungs- und Hybridisierungspraktiken von Kunstschauformen
Amaya Illuri
• Digital Public Relations Methods targeted at Multicultural Audiences with the Goal of Audience Development: Comparing Cultural Strategies and Goals of Two Frankfurt based Public Institutions. Implementing Best Practice Guidelines for Multicultural Audiences.
Sherry Iskander
• The Limits of my Medium are the Limits of my World: Selected Aspects of Experimenting with the Medium of Film as a Tool for Expressing Cultural Identity
Ayesha Jawaid and Abdul Waheed
• A Virtual Food Festival: Fostering Multiculturalism and Cultural Diversity in German Community by Culinary Exchange
Ricarda Kluge
• Kulturelles Gedächtnis und Digitale Praktiken der Erinnerung: Analyse und Implementierung kultureller Erinnerungsprozesse auf Instagram
Johanna Marie Krompos
• Medienkunst im Stadtraum vs. Stadtkultur im Internet: Theorie und Praxis medienästhetischer Raumerkundungen
Rebecca Lucas
• The Hybrid Future of Cultural and Art Instructions: How to Bring the Online and Physical Space into Balance
Hoang Ngoc Tu Nguyen
• Audience Development for Art Exhibitions: Developing and Implementing a Social Media Strategy through Collaboration with Artists
Reza Parsa
• Fostering Audience Engagement in an Online Cultural Event through Social Media: Conceptualizing, implementing, and evaluating a new Instagram Campaign
Dragan Petrovic
• Interactive Post-Media Art Pavilion as an Augmentation of Culture in Public Space: Methodology and Facilitation of a Transdisciplinary Project as a Sustainable Educational- and Networking Platform
Parwiz Rahimi
• From Photograph to Interactive Digital Art: A Practical and Theoretical Case Study on the Creation and Transformation of Images
Sanober Sher Ali
• How Media has Redefined the Role of Women: Developing, implementing and evaluating a Social Media Campaign towards the Concept of Feminism in Pakistan
Leticia Tavares Gomes
• Building and engaging a Sustainable Audience by Means of Online Media Platforms: Implementing an Audience Development Strategy for Selected Artists
Carolin Trispel
• Digital Sound Concepts and their Possibilities for Cultural Institutions exemplified through „Klangspaziergänge mit dem Rundfunkchor Berlin“
Winter Semester 2020/2021
Mostafa Ahmed
Art as a Motive of Social Change in Post-Revolutionary North African Societies: The Role of Artistic Activism in the Egyptian Revolution
Johannes Assefa Pogale
Social Media’s Effects on the Integration Process: Implementing Selected Digital Media-Based Strategies for Sociocultural Adaptation of Ethiopian and Eritrean Refugees in Germany
Wiebke Brand
Cultural Heritage Revisited – Perspectives of the Negotiation and Mediation of Cultural Heritage
Sama Elfeky
Youth, and Social Media – Are Young People Shunning the Mainstream Media?
Nina Hassinger
Im Dialog mit der Tierwelt – kommunikative Klangkunst als Medium ästhetischer Bildung: Durch gemeinsames Musizieren zu neuer Werteinschätzung
Joschua Keßler
Die schuldig gewordene Gemeinschaft als digitales Netzwerk – Konzeptuelle Annäherung an eine Übertragung von Max Frischs Theaterstück „Andorra“ in den digitalen Raum
Heinrich Maximilian Leiding
Social Media Strategies Against „White Fragility“: Building an anti-racist social media art platform that seizes the momentum of crises
Lola Claudine Dany Morel
Introducing Aspects of Interculturality with Audience Development: A practical approach to facilitate the mutual understanding of Franco-German culture.
Maria Camila Munoz Arias
Buy – Throw – Hack: Critical making practices in times of technical consumerism and obsolescence
Kristina Nedeljkovic
Creating the Directory of Emojis: An Analysis of Pictorial Communication in Social Media
Sunday Okafor
Audience Development for Museum of Contemporary Arts, Lagos: Strategies for Cultivating Museum Visits in Young Audience
Lydia Owolabi
Do it the Right Way: A Youtube Campaign Against Dangerous Migration from Nigeria to Europe
Sergiy Ptushkin
Digital Translation and Audience Engagement: Developing Virtual Museum Experiences Based on Aesthetic Education and Facilitation by the Example of the ZKM
Meri Sargsyan
New Media for Cultural Institutions in Armenia: Concepts and Applications of Curatorial Strategies to Reframe the Image of Museums Aimed at Raising Awareness and Engaging a New Audience
Celina Schimmer
Decentralising Media art. Collaborative Art in Online Communities
Noor Wali Shah
Content Creation and Media Aesthetics: Creating a Social Media Strategy for a Mindfulness and Meditation Start-up
Rameesha Shahid
Narrow Streets to Big Stadiums – Sports Soundscapes from Around the World: Creating Awareness of Social Issues through Sport
Daria Shypitsyna
Cultural divulgation and media aesthetic education via Youtube.
Curating a channel with a personal narrative
Summer Semester 2020
Ngoc Thanh Trang Dang
How Media Aesthetic Education Influence the Perspective of Young People about the Role of Women. Examining and Redefining the Concept „Feminism“ on Asian Women.
Hafiz Kabir Haider
Sufism’s Promotion of Tolerance and Harmony through Media
Dina Nabilah Junardi
Digital Media Literacy Among the Generation Z: A Case Study on Young People in the Darmstadt-Dieburg Area
Norhayati Kaprawi
Advocacy Media on Muslim Women’s Rights as an Issue of Cultural Ecology
Xenia Kitaeva
Das Mixed Reality-Projekt „Hörweg“ im Kontext der Akustischen Ökologie. Exemplarische Untersuchungen zur Medienästhetischen Bildung des Auditiven
Nathalie Carolina Moran Cisneros
Artistic approaches to migration, diversity and other current societal issues. Developing an art workshop and an online exhibition
Gauri Pathak
Apartment Exhibitions and Media Aesthetic Education: Exhibition Design to Transform Shared Spaces and Build Art and Media Culture in Communities
Angelica Maria Perez Virguez
Digital Female Empowerment: Upskilling and Reskilling Young Women through Creative Coding Workshops
Erica Price
Project x: Implementing Media Aesthetic Education as Practical Tool for Reducing Stereotypes and Cultural Divides
Aylin Sahin
Mediart-Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche Exemplarische Konzeption, Realisierung und Auswertung
Philipp Schober
Unboxed Boxes – Ein Projektions-Mapping als kritische Perspektive auf Kulturelle Veränderungen durch Medien, Handel, Logistik
Omobolanle Kristin Sosanya
Advancing gender relations for the Nigerian Society. Conceptualizing, implementing and evaluating a new and specific Instagram campaign
Winter Semester 2019/2020
Sabine Abi-Saber
Do You Read Me? A Topology of Positive Deviances in Networked Communities Expressed by Fulldome Media and Spatial Audio
Viviana Marcela Aguilar López
Intercultural Audience Development for LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International: Strategies and goals to engage a multicultural audience with an intercultural programme
Ameen Abdullah Yahya Al Matari
How to overcome problems faced by international Students in Germany. Exemplifying cultural Shocks, Barriers and suggesting practical media-based Methods for Integration
Daniela Koch
Audiovisuelle Installation zum Thema „Female Sex“. Ausgewählte Aspekte emotionaler, kognitiver und ästhetischer Erfahrungen von Medienkunst
Lis Martins Neves de Oliveira
The Pancake Society – A Platform for inducing Change, organizing, curating and fostering the discourse on Society’s Redesign regarding Technology and human Connection
Lina Margarita Roca García
Social Media for revitalizing democracy in Colombia. A Media Aesthetic Analysis. Creating awareness of the interrelatedness of information and its expressions with media aesthetic practices
Oumaima Salmi
Conditioning and furthering creative Work by a stimulating Environment following the Example of WeWork Co-Working Spaces. Analysing Concept and corporate Culture, and developing practical Guidelines for transferring the Findings
Jerni Tania
Using Digital Media for Audience Development in Cultural Institutions: Analysing & Developing practically the Effectiveness in engaging New Audience to Preserve Nature via Instagram and Blogs by the Example of B’n’Tree
Juan Carlos Urrutia Cuevas
Feminicide in Mexico: A journalistic research on a societal Issue presented through a media art installation
Goran Vukovic
New Media perspectives in the realm of a Gymnasium in Munich. An Analysis in Film about the counter Perspectives between Teachers and Students on New Media
Min-Tsu Yu
How New Media reinforces and breaks cultural Stereotypes. Presenting the Deconstruction and Defamiliarization in an animated Short Film
Amani Maache
The perplexing Relationship between the Art of Writing and Media in the Digital Age: How Digital Textuality is talking over the World of Print
Anum Zahra
Vlogs in the Promotion of Art: Studying and Producing Vlogs on Contemporary Pakistani Culture
Summer Semester 2019
Rameez Ahmed
Humans Before Gender. Transgender Phobia in Pakistan. Exemplifying Media Productions and Activities Educating their Audiences for Tolerance
Adriana Carolina Alarcon Contreras and Diana Barbosa Salgado
Empowering Young Leaders. Media Aesthetic Education as a Driver for Resistance, Dialogue and Transformation
Dennis Dominguez
AmbulArte. Concept for a Mixed Media Art School for Mexico’s Rural Areas
Mallory Eilbracht
The Nude Condition. Curating an Exhibition with Nude Art in Digital Media and Contemporary Art
Fadia Elgharib
Egypt’s Cultural Identity in the Age of Social Media. Sudan Uprising Case Study
Cansu Karakiz
Places of Media Art: Comparing Inclusive Strategies ZK/U Berlin and Frankfurter Kunstverein and Developing Practical Guidelines for a Future Oriented Development
Jessica Menger
Tackling Socio-Political Issues Through Art. Political Discorse in Media Art Exhibitions
Chikezirim Chima Nwoke
Social Media for Political Mobilization and Education – A Critical Analysis of the 2019 Nigeria Elections
Valentina Petermann
Your Story is Also Mine. Developing Inclusion Skills Through Listening and Audio Media
Julia Santana Moreira
Intercultural Competencies in an International Workplace. How Digital Media is Improving Long Distance Interactions
Kinora Touma
Political Art in the Digital Era. Digital Media as a Tool of Spreading the Political at Works in the Arab World
Robin Frederico Wiemann
Soundscapes Peru. Eine audiovisuelle 360°-Installation. Vergleichende Analyse zur Bedeutung von Umweltklängen in unterschiedlichen Gemeinschaften und ihrer öffentlichen Vermittlung
Winter Semester 2018/2019
Uchenna M. Ezenwa
Examining the Impact of Post Feminist Media Cultural Content in young Nigerian Women
Khiem Ly
Enhancing and Developing Visual Contents for Facebook and Instagram
Anastasiia Melai
The Immersivity of Art in the Digital Age
Oluwaseyi Olukoya
Encouraging the Spirit of Creativity and Self-Empowerment Through the Applied Concept of Media Aesthetic Education by the Example of High-Shool Students in Nigeria’s South West Region
Maria Fernanda Palacios Anaya
Creating New Ways of Fostering Well-being in Children through Media and Art
Natascha Rehberg
3D Audio as a New Medium. Prospects of a future concert culture
Laraib Abdul Rehman and Owais Hassan Syed
Roots and religious interference among people of Pakistan
Marina Vasques Oliveto
Fulldome Cinema. The creative process in 360 degrees beyond VR glasses
Summer Semester 2018
Laura Alejandra Jaramillo Quevedo
Aesthetics and Ethics: Analyzing the Selection Process of Film Festivals
Aleksandar Vejnovic
3D-Audio und Raum. Raumerfahrung in der virtuellen Realität
Winter Semester 2017/18
Niklas Brehm
Kriterien für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit von Kultur- und Bildungseinrichtungen
Hazem Obid
From Text to Video. Writing an Essay with Audiovisual Means